A catalogue of fine German books can be sent for $10 worldwide. The catalogue, "Tadellos Erhalten: Books from the Library of Rudolf Baumann," was designed by Jerry Kelly. The collection, which was practically a time capsule of prewar Austro-German book taste, still has interest. Please inquire through alexanderplatzbooks "at" gmail dot com.

We list a portion of our book on the Advanced Book Exchange, better known as abebooks. Our abebooks listings are organized as sequentially numbered catalogues. These catalogues reflect the mixture of subjects which we keep in stock, and can be accessed through our home page (http://www.abebooks.com/home/aplatz). Emphasis varies from catalogue to catalogue.

Our abebooks listings have included rare Cuban imprints; German literature, particularly exile literature; books on African and primitive art; and African-American literature. From a group of books about the Ottoman Empire, Turkish art, and Protestant missionary activity in Asia we still have a few items, including a nearly continuous twenty-five-year run of the journal Hali. Major additions to stock have come from the library of Jack Gottlieb, personal assistant for many years to Leonard Bernstein; a large collection of books about Persian literature and art, including many volumes in Farsi and a number of interesting and scarce books on the Rubaiyat, from the estate of an Iranian-born professor; and, lately, books from the libraries of Rudolf Serkin and Adolf Busch.

The first of our bulletins to appear in an online versions was Bulletin 4, Forward March!. The list assembled scarce, unusual, and unique materials on radicalism in the performing arts in the decades following the Russian Revolution and is now completely sold.

Bulletin 5, Two Families, One Home: A German Exile Library in Southern Vermont was published in February, 2019. Among the items offered and now sold were a first edition of Karl Popper's Die Logik der Forschung and the souvenir booklet to the Soviet Pavilion at the International Press Exhibition in Cologne in 1928, with a panoramic leporello by El Lissitzky.

The sequel to "Forward March!" is finally no longer a work in progress. Bulletin 6, A Low Dishonest Decade: Cultural Trends from the Stock Market Crash to Pearl Harbor, is now on line. The selection concentrates on ephemera from the years of the Great Depression and tests the notion that it was unrelievedly dismal. This list was added in September, 2019.

Bulletin 7, The Moving Pen Writes . . . was published in February, 2020. It gathers together diverse acquisitions relating to historic and modern Persia, Turkey, the Arab world, and the Mizrahi Jewish community. Of special interest is literature relating to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, including translations in Hindi and Bengali. And yes, we know that Edward Fitzgerald wrote "The Moving Finger Writes," but this is after all a compilation of the printed word. Moreover, the original Persian has "qalam," that is, a reed pen.

Bulletin 8, "Beyond Sangoku, Other Cultures of Asia and the Pacific," was added to this site in May, 2023. It presents scarce and unusual materials on Asian and Pacific cultures shaped by the "Sangoku," China, India and Japan, while at the same time preserving distinctive identities. Into this historical mixing process Islamic expansion, European colonialism and American "soft" imperialism eventually entered, sometimes enticing, sometimes enforcing. The list as a whole illustrates this dynamic.

Bulletin 9, "Mexico," devoted to Mexico and Mexicanidad, was issued in December, 2024. It is a continuation of the themes explored in Bulletin 8, charting through the printed and visual record the formation and spread of an influential culture and its impact on other cultures. Primary materials range from a celebration of victories in far-away Spain held in the cathedral of Mexico City in 1711 to a pageant in 1955 celebrating the Revolution and another one, quite different in purpose, in 1959 honoring the Virgin of Solitude, the patroness of Oaxaca. Other sorts of materials include graphic works, postcards, novels, military histories, children's books, guidebooks, and even a bit of a coffin that once held a saint.

We are always interested in acquisitions in the following: art, primarily source materials, the more ephemeral the better; music, especially topical and illustrated sheet music of the nineteenth century; children's books, particularly twentieth-century picture books; Judaica, mainly of the secular kind; antiquarian books in any language; German fine press books, pre-1933 German literature in dust jacket, and exile literature; history and culture of science; "Sangoku" (China, India, and Japan), as well as Korea and other Asian and Pacific countries; history of science and culture of science.