Bulletin Eight
Other Cultures of Asia and the Pacific
Actions, Reactions, Interactions
Sangoku (the three realms) in Japanese refers to the three stable states that finally arose from the scrimmage following the collapse of Han. More than a thousand years later the era was immortalized in Chinese literature in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms; nowadays, the results of an internet search on the topic of Sangoku are dominated by a video game of the same name. Sangoku has, in Japanese, a further meaning that is both fascinating and conceptually handy, a shorthand expression for China, India, and Japan. Those core civilizations, while their borders fluctuated and they themselves were changed, invaded and dominated from time to time by foreign forces, have had a certain continuity since ancient times. Beyond their geographical borders they had a gravitational pull, exerting a wide, overwhelming, and sometimes unwelcome and deleterious impact on neighboring civilizations and cultures. But the cultures and histories of those countries also had lives of their own, outside the sphere of Sangoku. With distance the spheres of influence became ever more complicated and attenuated, colliding with British, Dutch and Portuguese cultural and territorial incursions, centuries of Spanish rule in the Philippines and latterly American expansion in the Pacific. These interactions were a two-way street, as the items in this list demonstrate. The list is organized roughly on the expanding sphere concept by proximity to those centers. Country names follow common English usage of the time. Here are unusual materials relating to Burma, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet, Korea, Mongolia, Cambodia, Siam, Vietnam, the Philippines, Hawaii, and Fiji. Additionally, there is a supplement devoted to Oceania and the 1946 Arts of the South Seas exhibit, and, as an addendum, an impressionistic record of Korean sights by a Japanese artist of the Taisho and early Showa eras.
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The date of issue of this list is May, 2023. It was brought up to date in December, 2024. Prices are subject to change without notice after September, 2023.
All items are in good antiquarian condition unless otherwise noted. Minor flaws and marks of ownership have not been exhaustively described. For further information, please inquire.
Copyright is asserted for the contents of this list.
Martin Janal and Eve Hochwald | www.alexanderplatzbooks.com
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 Item TH2
MM1. Judson, Ann H(asseltine). An account of the American Baptist mission to the Burman empire : in a series of letters, addressed to a gentleman in London. London, Joseph Butterworth and Sons, 1827. Untrimmed in original boards, front board detached. Folding map. First published 1823 by same publisher, this edition has an added "advertisement" leaf of 2 pp. dated February, 1827, which relates how the book first came to be written and promises that profits from the publication will be appropriated for the redemption from slavery and education of female children in Burma under Mrs. Judson's supervision. Single name on front free endpaper in old faded ink. Rare. SOLD
American missionaries Ann Judson and her husband Adoniram entered Burma in 1813. Ann died there in October, 1826. This edition was clearly not occasioned by her death, news of which had evidently not reached England at the time of publication.
MM2. (Burmese Mission Imprint) Samā kyam: cā akok. [Truth Treatise.] n.pl [Yangon], n. publ., n.d. (1850s?). Small 8vo book in original plain wrappers. Wrappers torn and incomplete, no title page. Sewn signatures, sewing largely out. First page is a left-hand page, and is preceded by several blanks. $350
We received assistance in determining the contents of this work from Julian K. Wheatley, then of the Department of Modern Languages, Cornell University, and Liana Lupas, then Librarian of the American Bible Society. Professor Wheatley wrote in part by email as follows:
[The text] is entitled "Interpretation of the true text (the word for 'true' is borrowed from Pali, i.e, SAMAA. In this case, it's the Bible. It goes on: "In the beginning was divine speech from the mouth (I back translate from the Burmese) and that speech was the same as the Lord Master." And so on until the end of the next page where the phrase between | | and | | on the bottom reads "The end of the interpretation of the true text." The rest of the text . . . is entitled 'The 12 unified beliefs of the Lord Jesus Christ's teaching.
The opening appears to be based on the Book of John of the New Testament. Further, from Dr. Lupas, the numbering of the paragraphs does not correspond to any book of the Bible and she expressed the opinion that the work is a syncretic text, not a Bible translation. The phrase "twelve teachings"presumably refers to the Apostle's Creed of twelve articles, used by both Catholics and Protestants.
MM3. (Burmese Buddhist text) History of Prince Waythandaya, his birth, offerings, banishment and ascetic life in the forest of Haymawoonta, and final restoration; being, according to the Bhoodistic faith, the last but one of the previous states of Guadama. Rangoon, Printed at the Pegu Press, Thos. Ranney, 1856. SOLD
Original boards. Burmese text, title page and subscribers list in English. An interesting document of ecumenism on the part of a mission-founded press in printing a Buddhist work. The story of Waythandaya (Vessantara) is a popular one throughout the Buddhist countries of Asia. Very good copy in plain maroon cloth. Short tear in front free endpaper, contents very good. Subscriber's list on page following title page, in two columns, one for the present work, the other for "Zaneka" (The History of Zaneka, also printed by Ranney at the Pegu Press in 1856). There were 83 subscribers, including a large number of Burmese names, who ordered a total of 215 copies. One hundred copies were taken by "Government schools." Pencil signature of G. P. Watrous on front free endpaper, a name not on the list of subscribers. He was a Baptist missionary and founded a Burmese department in 1858; previous missionary efforts in Burma were among the Karen. Very rare; Cornell University seems to have the only real copy among the WorldCat listings. The British Library (not listed) provided a copy for reproduction to Southern Illinois University's Southeast Asia Digital Library project.
A Burmese immigrant on the American lecture circuit
MM4. (Sauahbrah) A Pleasant Evening in Far-off India by Sauahbrah. New York, J. F. Douthitt, 1886. Folio, single sheet folded to 4 pp. Good condition. Inner pages with banner advertising upcoming performance in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in December, 1886. $500
An elaborate prospectus for a Sauahbrah show. The only advertising matter for Sauahbrah we know of that uses the Burmese script, and it is remarkable that Burmese fonts were available for the purpose. The brochure claims that he had just returned from India; it may well be that he went to India to replenish the curios he sold at his lectures, as by this date travel through the Suez Canal had shortened the passage to India considerably. Biographies of exotic performers on the old-time lecture circuit often need to be taken with a grain of salt, but in Sauahbrah's case the basic facts of his origin appear to be true, namely, that he was born in Burma in 1850, converted to Christianity, and eventually left Burma to pursue further education. We do not know if his claimed educational credentials, which include Brown University and Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia, could be backed up in the historical record. He formed a relationship with John F. Douthitt, who managed his tours. Later on Douthitt had a tapestry studio in New York City, and Sauahbrah worked there producing tapestries of Christian religious subjects. He died in West Virginia in 1908. $500
MM5. Jesse, F. Tennyson. The Lacquer Lady. London, William Heinemann, (1938). Later printing, first published in 1929. Very good copy in green publisher's cloth, slight vertical ridge down middle of spine. Pictorial endpapers with a bird's eye view of the Golden Palace, Mandalay. $50
The Lacquer Lady is an historical novel set in Upper Burma that chronicles the final collapse of the Burmese monarchy. The author received much information from eyewitnesses and experts in Burmese affairs. This copy has an irresistible provenance, the bookseller's ticket of The Burma News Agency, 125-6 Scott Market, Rangoon, on the front pastedown endpaper.
Burmese student nationalist journal
MM6. The Young Burma. Vol. 1, no. 9, December 17, 1929. Rangoon, 1929. Front wrapper present, rear wrapper absent, but appears complete. Good copy. Entirely in Burmese, except for a couple of ads partially in English on the inside of the front wrapper and some subject headings, e.g. "Political Science." Very rare. $125
Unpublished translation of a modern Burmese classic
MM7. On Pe (U). The Civil Servant by Tet Toe [pseudonym]. Unpublished English translation. Typescript, 90 pp., n.d. (1950s). Bound with metal clips in tattered "Gem" brand file folder covers. Almost certainly done by the author, who also wrote an English-Burmese dictionary. Provenance: An American academic and Flaubert collector. On Pe translated Flaubert into Burmese, and presumably that connected the two. We surmise that she had the manuscript typed on his behalf. This is supported by the fact that another, unrelated typescript in the same format and with the same covers at this one was also present in the collection we purchased. So far as we know no copyright was asserted for the translation. $1250
The following profile of the author appeared in Time Magazine, April 30, 1951:
We recently heard some good news about our "stringer" (part-time correspondent) in Rangoon. He is On Pe, outstanding Burmese author and journalist. The news: he receives this month the 1950 Sape Beikman ("Literary Shrine") Prize, his country's equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize. The award is presented by the Burma Translation Society, which is headed by Prime Minister Thakin Nu. It goes to the best novel of the year, in this case On Pe's Min Hmu Dan ("The Civil Servant"), a story of the corrupt bureaucracy run by Burmese and British officials during Britain's rule in Burma.
Stringer On Pe reports to TIME editors on conditions in his area and aids regular correspondents when they arrive on story assignments. He is a graduate of the University of Rangoon, later taught there. After holding several top editorial spots, he has become chief editor of Burma Press Syndicate. His wife, Nu Yin, is a poetess and short-story writer.
Under the pen name "Tet Toe," which means "Progress," Newsman Pe has translated many Western classics for Burmese readers. Among them: Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ludwig's Napoleon and several De Maupassant short stories. One less classical On Pe translation: Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. With his new novel he plans to reverse the process by translating it into English for British and American readers.
Further, On Pe wrote an article, Modern Burmese Literature, modestly mentioning this novel, that appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in their February, 1958 issue. We have not been able to find out whether he was actually in the United States for any period of time. Besides the dictionary he is credited with translations of Buddhist works.
LK1. Knox, Thomas W. The Boy Travellers in the Far East, Part Third. Adventures of Two Youths in Ceylon and India. With description of Borneo, the Philippine Islands, and Burmah. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1882. First edition. Large 8vo, multicolored cloth with silver highlighting. Good copy, binding bright and clean, contents very good, but first page of text is detached and rough-edged. $50
This volume focuses primarily on Ceylon, rather than the more obvious choice of India. His fictional travellers reach Ceylon by way of Siam and Singapore.
LK2. Colombo Museum. A Guide to the Collections. Printed by order of the Committee of Supervision. Colombo, Ceylon Observer Press, 1886. Price 25 cents. Original wrappers. Includes a small collection from the Maldives. Sections on Ceylon Products, Industries, Minerals, and Galleries (mammals, birds, fishes, insects, marine invertebrates, rocks). Marginal notes on some pages by a visitor. A bit tattered, overall good condition. $150
LK3. Woolf, Leonard. The Village in the Jungle. London, Edwin Arnold, 1925. Ochre cloth. 8vo. A very nice-looking copy, front and rear free endpapers tanned. Contemporary bookseller's ticket of Orientalia, New York City, with a W. 58th Street address, at bottom of rear pastedown endpaper. $250
The Village in the Jungle, dedicated to Virginia Woolf, was Leonard Woolf's only novel. He served in the Ceylon Civil Service from 1904 to 1911. In contrast to the usual practice of English sheets being imported to the US, the text block of this London edition is that of the first American edition, published by Harcourt, Brace, the copyright page has the printer's imprint of the Quinn & Boden Company of Rahway, New Jersey. Hence this London edition includes the introduction that Woolf added for the first American edition. That edition is usually assigned the date 1926; it was very favorably reviewed in the New York Times in March of that year. It is curious that the London edition has an earlier date.
NP1. (Studio photograph) Entrancing portrait of an aristocratic young girl, noted as "Nepal" in pencil on the back. She is dressed in a nontraditional garment; perhaps she had a Western governess or was being educated at a school in India. Undated, probably late 19th century. The dogs are Tibetan spaniels, looking rather bored or dejected as being told to lie still. The studio background could not be found in Judith Mara Gutman's Through Indian Eyes. Old price in ink in Hindi on verso (3 rupees). Never mounted. Stored in rigid sleeve to restrain curling. $300
NP2. Smythe, Frank S. The Kanchenjunga Adventure. London, Hodder and Stoughton, (1946). First "Black Jacket" edition. 12mo, blue boards with dust jacket priced 4/6. Boards patchily discolored at top of spine and along edges, with some color transfer to back of jacket. Scarce edition. $45
Classic chronicle of the 1930 international expedition to Kanchenjunga, which fell short of its final objective. Illustrated with photographs and one small sketch map. Some information is given on Nepalese geography and history, with incidental observations on places and people.
NP3. Harris, George L., Jackson A. Giddens, et al. U. S. Army Area Handbook for Nepal (with Sikkim and Bhutan). Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 550-35. Washington, DC, U. S. Government Printing Office for Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1964 Wrappers. Thick 8vo, xvi + 448 pp., maps in text. Very good condition. $35
Vietnam-era area handbook with sections on social, political, economic and national security background with discussions of history, ethnography, political structure, and so on.
Tib1. Francke, A. H. A Language Map of Tibet. In; Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1904, vol. 83, part 1 (History, Literature, etc.), no. 4, pp. 382-387 (with a color plate). $45
Entire issue of the above journal, with the above one of two principal articles. Other principal article is by William Irvine, Bengal Civil Service (Retired) on the later Mughals, issue also includes a "Numismatic Supplement" continued from an earlier issue. Plain pamphlet binding with original cover wrapper bound in. August Hermann Francke was a German tibetologist and first Professor of Tibetan at Berlin University.
Tib2. Laufer, Berthold. Use of human skulls and bones in Tibet. Chicago, Field Museum, 1923. Wrappers. 12mo. Very good copy. $50
Berthold Laufer, after competing his education in Germany, worked for the rest of his life at institutions in the United States. Proficient in Chinese, Tibetan, and numerous other Asian languages, he took part in the Field Museum's Blackstone Expedition to Tibet and China in 1908-1910, the source of most of the Museum's Tibetan collections.
Tib3. Evans-Wentz, W. Y. Tibet's great yogi Milarepa. A biography from the Tibetan being the Jetsün-Kahbum or biographical history of Jetsün Milarepa, according to the late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English rendering. Edited with introduction and annotations by W. Y. Evans-Wentz. London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1928. First edition. Very good copy in very good dust jacket. $675
Tib4. Staël-Holstein, A. von. On a Tibetan text translated into Sanskrit under Chi'en Lung (XVIII century) and into Chinese under Tao Kuang. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping. Peiping, Lazarist Press, 1932. Wrappers. 4to, 20 pp., 17 pls. Inscribed on the front wrapper in German with the author's initials. Wrappers browned, good condition. $125
Alexander von Staël-Holstein was a Baltic-German aristocrat born in Estonia, then part of the Russian Empire. He began his academic career in Czarist times. During the First World War he went to China for research on Tibetan and Mongolian, and, severed from Russia by the Bolshevik Revolution, remained in China until his death in 1937. As a visiting professor to Harvard in 1928-1929 he taught the first class of Tibetan there. A biography is to be found in the website of the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilization of Harvard University.
Tib5. David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism. Its doctrines and its methods. London, John Lane The Bodley Head, (1939). First UK edition. Small, tidy 8vo, cloth. Very good copy in very good dust jacket. 1940 ownership signature on front free endpaper. SOLD
First English-language edition. Translated by H. N. M. Hardy and Bernard Miall from the French original, Le Bouddhisme. ses doctrines et ses méthodes. David-Neel was drawn to Tibetan Buddhism and became its foremost exponent in the West.
Tib6. Lama Yongden. Mipam. the Lama of the Five Wisdoms. A Tibetan novel. London, The Bodley Head, 1938. First English-language edition. English version by Percy Lloyd and Bernard Miall. Silvery blue cloth with dust wrapper. A fine copy in very good priced (8s. 6d.) dust wrapper. Wrapper has a couple of chips at the top of the front panel and a small chip at the top of the spine panel touching the author's name, additionally the back panel is chipped across the top in an area with no printing. $975 SOLD
Mipam was described on publication as the first "romance to be published in a Western language by a Tibetan." The novel first appeared in French in 1935 and a German translation was published in the same year. Lama Yongden was also known as Aphur Yongden and Arthur Alfred Longden; he was born in Sikkim and the latter was a Westernization of his birth name. Alexandra David-Neel first met him in a monastery in Sikkim when he was 15 years old. They became traveling companions - indeed, his companionship by then was no doubt essential in enabling her to travel freely - and in a final foray into Tibet, in her most perilous exploit, reached Lhasa. In 1929 she adopted him. The novel is well written, informed in Tibetan culture, and not, as one might expect, drowned in mystic claptrap. It has been reprinted, sometimes with the added subtitle "A love story." The first English edition is very uncommon, and especially so in dust wrapper. WorldCat shows only one copy of this edition, at the National Library of New Zealand.
MN1. Paquet, Alfons. Chinese brocade silk shawl, ca. 450 cm X 32 cm. Double panels strengthened internally with linen. Decorated with auspicious cranes, chrysanthemum blossoms, and other elements. Borders separated, in parts badly deteriorated, still stunning. $350
In 1904 the Trans-SIberian Railroad opened, with the route skimming the border of Mongolia. The young German writer Alfons Paquet (1881-1944), with a couple of literary efforts behind him, took off on it for southern Siberia and Mongolia. His report, Südsibirien und die Nordwestmongolei, illustrated with his own photographs, was published in 1909 and established him as a travel writer and expert in the Far East. This shawl was gifted to him in Mongolia (see Alfons Paquet, Held ohne Namen. Heidelberg, Antiquariat Thomas Hatry, 2014, item 750, "ein Geschenck aus Mongolei"). As an artifact it evinces the porous nature of the frontier regions of Inner Asia.
MN2. (Third Central Asiatic Expedition) Asia. Vol. 24, nos. 1, 3-6. Five issues, privately bound of the monthly magazine Asia. With contributions by Roy Chapman Andrews, Kermit Roosevelt, Sven Hedin, et al. 4to, green cloth, batik paper endpapers. Volume in very good condition. Leather label on spine reads Asia / 1924 / 1-6, but the volume does not in fact contain issue number 2. Front covers of included issues bound in. A sumptuous magazine of its day, devoted to all things Asian and Pacific, and well known for its spectacular cover art. $150
The first number (January, 1924) leads with Roy Chapman Andrews' report of the first ever finding of dinosaur eggs. This discovery, in the course of the Third Central Asiatic Expedition, led by Andrews, put the Gobi Desert and Mongolia on the map for the American audience. Andrew's dating of the eggs as 10 million years old, while meant to wow, was wildly off by a factor of nearly ten according to current dating methods. The March issue has a brief report on the planned auction of an egg to raise funds for the continuance of the expeditions. This turned out to be a public-relations disaster from which the expedition and Andrews never recovered. The auction infuriated the Mongolian government, which forbade further access to their territory. Other articles in each issue touch on post-Ottoman Turkey, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the Islamic world, etc.*
MN3. Andrews, Roy Chapman. On the Trail of Ancient Man. A narrative of the field work of the Central Asiatic Expeditions. With an introduction and a chapter by Henry Fairfield Osborn. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's, The Knickerbocker Press, 1926. Green cloth. Large 8vo. Second printing (October, 1926, one month after the first printing). With 38 photographs by J. B. Shackleford. Photographic endpapers of a camel caravan. A sturdy, attractive copy, pencil initials on the tissue overlay of the frontispiece. $50
Further to the above item, Andrew's popular account of the Central Asiatic Expeditions, with much on life in Mongolia. The rationale of the expeditions, as indicated by the subtitle, was motivated by Osborn's belief that that the evolutionary cradle of ancient humanity was in Central Asia, not Africa. *
MN4. Prawdin, Michael. The Mongol Empire. Its rise and legacy. London, George Allen and Unwin, (1940). Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. First edition. Cloth, thick 8vo, 382 pp. plus advertising leaf. Fair-good copy, spine worn, boards spotted, but structurally sound, with an interesting Calcutta provenance. $40
Frontispiece of Kublai Khan. Map endpapers, different front and back, and six full-page maps in text. Clipped portion of the dust jacket with a two-paragraph description of the contents of the book on the verso of the frontispiece. Back board shows evidence of removal of a large label, and at the base of the spine is a circular patch where presumably a label once was. At the base of the blank verso of the advertising leaf is the ink stamp of Newman's Book Sellers, Calcutta. Half-title has the circular ink stamp of The Saturday Club, a Calcutta institution, with reception date of 10 March, 1941 stamped above and a catalog number. Pasted onto the verso of the front free endpaper and the facing blank are the by-laws of the Club library. The author, a Ukrainian-born Russian emigré, in a final chapter saw Mongolia as the key player in the ultimate geopolitical alignment of East Asia.
MN4. Lattimore, Owen. Inner Asian Frontiers of China. New York, American Geographical Society, 1940. First edition. Original cloth. Very good copy, name on front free endpaper. $100
MY1. Wickham, H. A. On the Plantation Cultivation and Curing of Parà Indian Rubber, (Hevea brasiliensis) with an Account of its Introduction from the Western to the Eastern Tropics. With illustrations by the author. London, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1908. First edition. Orange cloth. Very good copy, cloth of front board wrinkled. Scarce. $200
In 1876 Harry Wickham, a British explorer and latterly an aspiring rubber planter in Pará state, Brazil, satisfied a contract with the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew for seeds of Hevea brasiliensis, the Brazilian rubber tree. Kew was, besides being a renowned scientific center, in the ready service of the British colonial project. Taking no chances, Wickham provided to Kew 70,000 potentially viable seeds. Only a small percentage of Wickham's seeds sprouted successfully, but those seedlings were enough to trigger the commercial cultivation of the rubber tree in the East, with transformative social consequences. Nowhere was that more true than in Malaya. In the 1930s Malaya was the world's leading producer of rubber, and control of Malayan rubber became a key objective for Japan in World War II.
KP/KR1. Guthapfel, Minerva L. The Happiest Girl in Korea. Boston, Mass., Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, n.d. [after 1911]. Brochure, 12mo, 8 pp., stapled-bound. Good copy, bottom edge of front page turned a bit. $35
The author published The Happiest Girl in Korea and Other Stories from the Land of Morning Calm in 1911. This little brochure reprints in an abbreviated form the title piece and adds an appeal for funds at the end. In an age of cynicism, one could easily dismiss the story of Ok Pun-ie as missionary propaganda, which it was, after a fashion. But Ok Pun-ie was a real person. The historian Robert Neff related her life story in a 2020 article in the Korea Times ("A Christmas Story. The Happiest Girl in Korea"); Oak Pun-ie (in the old spelling) was born in 1892, and sold by her family as a nobi. Worked nearly to death she received free treatment in a "foreign" hospital and, due to gangrene, lost her hands and one foot by amputation in 1906. Nevertheless, she retained an optimistic outlook and considered herself fortunate. She made herself useful at the hospital and took the baptismal name Anna Song. Nothing is known of her after 1910, when Korea was annexed by Japan. In the US Guthapfel became an activist for Korean independence.
KP/KR2. An Official Guide to Eastern Asia - Vol. I. Chōsen & Manchuria. Siberia. Tokyo, Department of Railways, 1920. Second edition (stated on title page). Small thick 8vo. Numerous maps. English-Russian-Chinese (phonetic)-Japanese vocabulary at rear. Maps of Heijo (Pyongyang), Keijo (Seoul), Fusan (Pusan), Vladivostok, Harbin, Dairen, etc. One-inch split in exterior right-hand hinge, otherwise very good. $650
KP/KR3. 内案行旅朝鮮. Naian Koryo Chosen. [Introduction to travel in Chosen (Korea).] Tokyo, Senman Annaisho, Showa 9 (1934). Folding map of the Korean Peninsula, with dense text on the other side. Very good condition, "Chosen" written in pencil on face of the brochure. $150
The main office of the Senman Annaisho (鮮滿案内所. Korea-Manchuria Information Center) was housed in the Marunouchi building in Tokyo; it supplanted a Korea travel office that had functioned there. This was part of the erasure of Korean particularity and the boosting of Manchukuo by the Japanese authorities. (See Wikipedia (Japanese) for information on the Senman Annaisho.) The characters of the title on the face of the brochure are in seal script, as if to emphasize the quaintness of Korea.
KP/KR4. (Japanese Colonization) Tokyo Bijitsu Kurabu. 釜山香椎家藏品入札 Busan Kashii-ke Zouhin Nyusatsu. [Auction of Treasures of the Kashii Family of Busan.] Tokyo, Tokyo Bijitsu Kurabu Insatsusha, 1934. Small 4to. Printed boards with silver stamping. Boards rubbed, very good condition. Profusely illustrated with color and black-and-white plates. Bookseller's ticket of Isshindo on front pastedown. $175
An interesting story lies behind this sale catalog. One might imagine that the Kashii family had fallen on hard times or had become extinct, but such was not the case. Rather, the objects belonged to a wealthy Japanese industrialist, Kashii Gentaro, who had established himself in Pusan. There he controlled the gas and electric company, the fisheries, and a chinaware and ironstone manufacturer.** Desiring to build a museum in Pusan but lacking the funds to do so, he resorted to selling "curios" at this auction to raise the necessary money for the project. It seems likely that these were not exactly family treasures but rather the surplus of his collecting activity. Many of the objects are Chinese antiquities. In the end, only a statue was erected where the museum was supposed to have been built. That, presumably, was subsequently destroyed.

KP/KR5. A Trip in Chosen. The Government Railways of Chosen, Keijo [Seoul], Chosen (Korea). n.d., 1930s, Japanese occupation period. English-language booklet. String-tied. Oblong 8vo. 24 pp. Pp. 13-16 are a single sheet folded double across to the height of the booklet, pp. 14-15 unfold to show a map of central Seoul in four panels, and when folded down show a railway map of the Korean peninsula and a detail with adjoining railways of China, Russia and Japan. SOLD
KH1. ដន្រ្តីខ្មែរ [Khmer Music.] Wrappers, 4to, unpaginated. Phnom Penh, 1950s? Music, with lyrics in most cases. "Cambodian songs" written in pencil on the front wrapper. Good condition, front wrapper chipped in upper right corner. $200
Judging from the tempo and style indications (reamvong, but also rumba, cha-cha-cha, bolero, slow rock (!), etc.) primarily popular dance music or a combination of song and dance. Further description of the contents is beyond our ability. Laid in is a four-page brochure, Nokoreach. Hymne Royal et Nationale Cambodgien The Royal and National Khmer Anthem, published by the Ministère des affaires étrangères du Gouvernement Royal du Cambodge. Music and lyrics in Cambodian on pp. 2 and 3, words in French and English on p. 4. Approval by N. [Norodom] Sihanouk, dated 12 December, 1941, on p. 4.
KH2. Narom, Keo. មរតកតន្ត្រីខ្មែរ. Cambodian Music. Phnom Penh, Reyum, 2005. Wrappers. 4to. Fine copy. Bilingual edition (Cambodian and English) in parallel columns. The Khmer title translates as Khmer Music Heritage. Historical survey up to the end of the twentieth century, including the introduction of Western-style ensembles in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. Large section on Cambodian traditional musical instruments with drawings of the instruments. $150
VT1-2. Nguyễn Quỷnh. 15-2-1941. Haiduong. [Three essays: 1) Dựa Vào Ý-Niệm Không-Màu. Đối thoại với Đinh Ngọc-Mô. [Based on the concept of no color. Dialogue with Đinh Ngọc-Mô.] 2) Introduction au sens de la non-couleur. Dialogue avec Đinh Ngọc-Mô. 3) Chastity. Dialogue with Dinh Ngoc-Mo.] Saigon, The author, 1966. A booklet of 24 pp., stapled into wrappers top to bottom. Title page has only the author's name and date and place of birth, as just given. Three different essays, in Vietnamese, French, and English, respectively. With a presentation inscription of several lines to John Steinbeck. [With] Nguyễn Quang Hiện. Gửi nhà văn John Steinbeck. [To writer John Steinbeck.] Four loose pages printed on the rectos and numbered [161]-164, apparently rough printer's proofs. Viet-Nam Nhũng Bài Thánh Ca, a poetry collection, credited at top of first page. The two: SOLD
Toward the end of 1966 John Steinbeck began a journalistic visit to the theater of war in Vietnam, where his older son and namesake John Steinbeck IV was stationed in a noncombat role. His presence excited interest and admirers left mementos and letters for him at his Saigon hotel. These two items, which we found together, must have been among the memorabilia he returned with from Vietnam. They represent two quite different strands in South Vietnamese society, one cosmopolitan and detached, the other engaged and angry. The poem of Nguyen Quang Hien, which shows familiarity with The Grapes of Wrath, "presented the real face of Vietnamese society, a face with stained alleys, bloody war, shabby hotels in small towns, devious lights at night. That is Vietnam, the South. It is the homeland that struggles and screams in poetry."***The sincerity of the poem seems to have touched Steinbeck and he quoted a passage from it in one of his reports. The author later spent three years in a reeducation camp before escaping to Thailand and eventually immigrating to the United States.
TH1. Knox, Thomas W. The Boy Travellers in the Far East, Part Second. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Siam and Java. With descriptions of Cochin China, Cambodia, Sumatra and the Malay Archipelago. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1881. First edition. Large 8vo, multicolored cloth with silver highlighting. A very good, bright copy, text block bumped in upper right corner. Numerous illustrations, those that are full-page are protected by tissue guards. $125
Knox's didactic books were based on his own travels, albeit he could not have mastered a knowledge of the cultures he wrote about from his whirlwind visits. In Siam he forged a relationship with King Chulalongkorn (1853-1910, acceded to the throne 1868).
The King of Siam Translates Shakespeare
TH2. Shakespeare, William; Vajiravudh (translator). ผู้ประกอบการค้าของเมืองเวนิส. [The Merchant of Venice.] Translated into Thai by Vajiravudh (Rama VI), the King of Siam. Bangkok, 1916. 8vo. Cloth with gilt titles on cover and spine. Very good copy. $2500

Vajiravudh (1881-1925, acceded to the throne 1910) received a British education at Sandhurst and Oxford. He was the last of Siam's absolute monarchs. In the field of culture he wrote original works of his own, explored the Hindu roots of the Ramakien epic, established the Thai National Theater, and translated Western literature into Thai. The present volume is one of three Shakespeare plays that Vajiravudh translated. The text is printed in black ink with occasional use of red, notably the title page. The choice of The Merchant of Venice is particularly ironic, as Vajiravudh introduced anti-Semitism into Thai discourse in a backhanded way, denouncing Chinese merchants as the Jews of the Orient and using anti-Semitic tropes to describe them. Extremely rare. WorldCat records a copy at the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Vajiravudh's signature appears on the third page of an introduction. The signature is in different, darker ink, has left an impression on the page, and has bled through on the opposite (blank) side of that page, while the type on the face of the page has not. Hence, we are fairly confident that this is not a facsimile signature. Laid into the volume is a stiff card with the text: Shakespeare's Plays translated and presented by H.M. the King of Siam and a small card with the same text. A slip of paper on the title page and a slim tag identify the play as The Merchant of Venice. A leaf is tipped in stating that the volume was donated to the Central Library of the Borough of Southwark Public Libraries and Museums on that date. A number is lightly written on the verso of the title page, other than that there are no library or other markings in the volume.
TH3. Morse, Elizabeth. The Whistling Snake. New York, E. P. Dutton, (1935). Second printing, same month as the first. Fine copy in near fine dust jacket with a couple of trifling nicks. $50
"An exciting story for girls" involving the theft of the Queen's pearls and palace intrigues. The author, a long-time resident of Bangkok, wrote several books with Siamese settings. An article by her, The Human Side of Siam, appeared in the Foreign Service Journal in the year this book was published, in which she mentioned that her husband had been asked to produce an "exhaustive educational film of the country" for the Ministry of Railroads, and was called on to photograph (i.e., film) the funeral of King Rama VI and the coronation of his successor, the first time this had been done. These events took place in 1925. Amazingly, footage of the funeral, shot by the News Department of the State Railways, was recently discovered and can be viewed on the Internet. It is all the more intriguing to observe that her book Chang of the Siamese Jungle (1930) has a foreword by filmmaker Merian C. Cooper, whose more simply titled film Chang premiered in 1927. It is likely that she and her husband came to know Cooper in Bangkok and perhaps provided him with logistical assistance.
ID1. (Rumphius) Effigies Georgii Everhardi Rumphii, Hanoviensis Aetats: LXVII. Folio sheet. Some tears and small chips in the margins, otherwise in good condition. $250
Frontispiece portrait of Georg Eberhard Rumphius (1627-1702) from the Herbarium Amboinense. The work was published in 1741, 39 years after Rumphius' death. He is shown at a table with plant specimens, elsewhere in the room are corals and bryozoans, a dried lizard, and books. The portrait was engraved by J. de Later based on one done by the subject's son Paul Augustus. Rumphius was nominally employed by the Dutch East Indies Company as a merchant, but devoted himself to the study of the natural history of the Moluccas, persevering in that task in the face of one personal disaster after another. He was at the easternmost extremity of a burgeoning global scientific network feeding information back to European learned societies.
Java means coffee
ID2. Hewitt, Robert, Jr. Coffee. Its history, cultivation, and uses. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1872. First edition. Ornamental beveled cloth. Chromolithographic frontispiece, folding word map at rear of places of coffee production and telegraph lines. Very good copy. An advance copy, inscribed by the author with an ALS tipped in. Later private bookplate on front pastedown endpaper. $500
The author was a coffee broker by profession. All aspects of coffee are covered, with a worldwide analysis of where it is produced, including the East Indies [sic], notably Java. Starting around 1830, Java became an important exporter of coffee to Europe, which ended when the coffee groves were devastated by leaf rust in the early 1880s, a decade after this book was published. The classic muckraking novel Max Havelaar by Multatuli (Edward Donwes Decker) exposed the abuses that forced cultivation of coffee gave rise to.
ID3. Beauvoir, Ludovic de. Java. Siam. Canton. Voyage autour du Monde. Ouvrage enrichi d'une grande carte speciale et de quatorze gravures-photographies par Deschamps. Paris, E. Plon et Cie., 1874. Neuvième edition, i.e., ninth printing. Small 8vo, iv + 452 pp. Folding map. Very good copy. $75
Contemporary binding of polished green half-cloth and marbled-paper-covered boards, title gold-stamped on spine. Paper is somewhat aged, tear in map at inside edge stabilized on blank side with archival tape, front and rear free endpapers partly browned. Double-page frontispiece has small chip at top edge of left-hand page. The illustrations are engravings after photographs, evidence that a large corpus of documentary photographs was already in existence to draw on. Large folding map of Southeast Asia and the Dutch East Indies, with a detail map of Java. In the course of a round-the-world trip, made from 1865 to 1867, de Beauvoir visited, besides those of the title, Australia, China, Japan, and California. This volume, one of three, also includes observations of Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao. Moving at a pace Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg might have envied he "did" Siam in seven days! His sojourn in Java, where he mingled with local rulers and experienced the colonial system, was more extended. A farewell dinner in Batavia by the Dutch resident in Batavia consisted of 90 courses; this must have been rijstaffel.
ID4. Mijer, Pieter. Batiks and How to Make Them. With illustrations from photographs by G. W. Harting. New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1919. First edition, first printing. Very good copy, one quarter-coin-sized spot on front cover that shows only in oblique light. $45
A contemporary advertisement for this book noted that the author observed the batik process in Java and Holland. In the 'teens he was a regular in the bohemian milieu of Greenwich Village, earning frequent mentions in The Quill, a magazine devoted to that scene. Such was the identification in that milieu of Java with the exotic tropics that the Greenwich Village Follies included a Javanese-themed song in their show (see the following item). This book rode on the wave of a small batik craze, going into later printings well into the 1920s.**** George W. Harting was an American photographer who worked in New York City.
ID5. Bartholomae, Philip and John Murray Anderson (book and lyrics); A. Baldwin Sloane (music). My Little Javanese. New York, M. Witmark and Sons, (1917). Sheet music. 6 pp. Cover illustration by Clara Tice, "the Queen of Greenwich Village." Very good condition, small chip at bottom edge of front page. $125
By the 'teens of the last century, Java had become both a synonym for coffee and an approachable symbol of the exotic. This song was performed to dance accompaniment by Ada Forman in the 1919 edition of the Greenwich Village Follies, which had moved uptown from its namesake location to the theater district. Javanese batik costumes and properties were designed and executed for the number by Pieter Mijer and Charles Ellis. Forman had earlier interpreted Javanese dance in programs of the Denishawn Dancers.****
ID6. Höver, Otto (introductory text). Javanische Schattenspiele. 24 Abbildungen nach Figuren des javanischen Wajangspieles. Leipzig, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, (1923). First edition. Large 8vo. Red cloth with silk cord, boards bound without free endpapers. Fine, bright condition, paper on inside of rear board with a few glue spots. Dust jacket present, fragile at folds with a few chips here and there on the edges and in the face of the jacket, knot of the silk cord has worked through that point in the front panel of the jacket. One color plate, the rest black-and-white. Plates well printed on heavy art paper. SOLD

Originals were in the collection of the Museum Folkwang. Essen; the Museum's collection, according to the dust jacket copy, was rivaled only by Batavia's. Laid in are two interesting pieces of ephemera: an issue (small tabloid size, folded) of the Mitteilungen der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Literatur und Theater, vol. 4, no. 2 (1928), entirely devoted to an article entitled Die Schattenspielfiguren des Kieler Theatermuseums by Georg Jacob, illustrated with photographs; and a very well preserved front page of the Illustrierte Film-Zeitung, 1929, no. 3, the verso of which is a full-page contribution by Dr. Eduard Gudenroth, Schattenspielkunst in Java (the front page is an article on how sound films work). The book and associated ephemera indicate a contemporary fascination with the subject. The influence of wayang, which added movement to the already popular German art form of silhouette cutting, appears in the work of the pioneer animator Lotte Reiniger.
ID7. Rutter, Owen. Sepia. New York, George H. Doran, (1926). First US edition. Orange cloth with dust jacket. Very good copy indeed, free endpapers show offset from inside flaps of dust jacket. Dust jacket good, square-inch chip at upper right corner of front panel and another slightly smaller at upper right corner of back panel, spine panel slightly worn at top. $125
First English novel to deal with Borneo, specifically North Borneo, where the author served in the civil service from 1910 to 1915. North Borneo (present-day Sabah state, East Malaysia) was established as a British protectorate in 1888, in a complex borders settlement between colonial powers. The novel deal with a controversial subject, no doubt corresponding to reality, the taking of a native mistress by a British colonial officer. Uncommon in dust jacket. Rutter was in later years a principal of the Golden Cockerel Press.
ID8. Poortenaar, Jan. Dans en Wajang. Haarlem, Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1929. First (only) edition. Yellow boards with cover label. Just about fine copy (some discoloration to cover label) in near fine slipcase. Edition of 150 copies. Illustrated with six original etchings, as issued, each signed by the artist in pencil. $125
In 1922 Poortenaar and his wife went out to Indonesia for a stay of two years, visiting many of the principal islands of the archipelago. In Java they observed performances of dance and wayang at royal courts. A separate chapter of this book deals with Bali, where they witnessed art, dance and ritual as parts of daily life.
ID9. Monnickendam, David (words and music). Wajang Fox-Trot (I Love You). n.pl., n. publ., n.d. [Amsterdam, Effendi Frères, 1930] Sheet music, 4 pp. with internal decoration on pp. 2 and 3. Printed on heavier than usual paper for sheet music of the period. Fabulous cover of a shadow puppet blasting away on a saxophone. $200
A promotional tie-in for Wajang Cigarettes. A contemporary newspaper advertisement ascribes the printing to the French musical publishing firm Salabert. Back cover has an explanation of the wajang (wayang) shadow play and colorful examples of the handicraft and decorative uses of the embroidered tobacco silks that came with the cigarette packets on furniture, clothing, lamps, etc. We are indebted to the website Images Musicales for their excellent background research on this wonderful piece. Incidentally, Monninckendam is a surname found among Dutch Jews.
Wartime rijstaafel
ID10. Holland House Taverne, New York. Dinner menu for Wednesday, September 22, 1943. $50 Also available: Full-size menu, drinks menu, and the same daily menu (short tear at right edge of this copy of the menu). $125
The Holland House Taverne was located in fashionable Rockefeller Center. Javaanse rijstaafel was available on Mondays; reservations were recommended. Nasi goreng was a daily menu item. These dishes were offered on the loose menu sheet for the day, not on the regular folio-sized menu. A nod to wartime restrictions was a request to use only one teaspoon of sugar.
ID11. Ali, Ahmed (Ed.). The Flaming Earth. Poems from Indonesia. Edited with an introduction by Ahmed Ali. Karachi, Friends of the Indonesian Republic Society, (1949). Small 8vo. Printed boards with dust jacket. Very good copy in good dust jacket. $75
"The first anthology of modern Indonesian poetry to appear in the English language'." All the included poems were written after the birth of the Republic of Indonesia in August, 1945. Ali is also credited as co-translator of the poems. His long introduction emphasizes that the Indonesian language was a new creation.
ID12. Cartier-Bresson, Henri. Les Danses à Bali. Paris, Robert Delpire, 1954. First edition. Small 8vo, dust jacket. Fine copy, board with merest touch of browning to the base of the spine, dust jacket near fine, spine faded as usual but minimally so, one tiny tear at top of back panel. $200
Texts in French by Antonin Artaud and Beryl de Zoete, the latter in translation. De Zoete was the foremost expositor of Balinese dance in the West.
ID13 Raffles. Thomas Stamford. The History of Java. With an introduction by John Bastin. Petaling Jaya, Oxford University Press, 1982. Facsimile of the 1817 first edition. First published in Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints in 1965; reissued with a new introduction in 1978; reprinted 1982 (this set). Printed in Singapore. A massive production. Two volumes, large 4tos, cloth without dust wrappers as issued. in lettered slipcase. About fine set, few specks on extreme lower left corner of front board of vol. 2 and the adjacent spot inside the slipcase, otherwise not at all used, minimal wear to slipcase. Nine color plates in the first volume, one in the second, and many additional plates and maps. $400
PH1. Mabini, Apolinario. Programa constitucional de la República Filipina. Con permiso del gobierno. Kavite, Zacarias Fajardo, 1898. Wrappers. Fine copy. Rare. SOLD
Mabini, a key intellectual figure in the struggle for Philippine independence from Spain, narrowly escaped execution by the Spanish authorities, and was in turn exiled by the US to Guam because of his continued agitation for independence. He was allowed to return to the Philippines in 1903 and died soon thereafter.
PH2. Facts Concerning Philippine Affairs. Collected from official sources. Compiled for the information of the general public. n.pl., n. publ., 1899. Title continues on first page: Memoranda, mostly official, respecting Philippine affairs. Wrappers. Very good copy, very slight vertical crease. Rare. $350
Compilation of dispatches and press reports, largely from American military persons and US consuls, dryly documenting the conquest and takeover of the Philippines by the United States. Two copies in WorldCat (University of Michigan and National Library of Spain).
PH3. Folkmar, Daniel. Album of Philippine Types (found in Bilibid Prison in 1903), Christians and Moros (including a few non-Christians). Eighty plates, representing thirty-seven provinces and islands. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Large oblong 4to. Half-leather binding with title stamped in gilt on front board. Spine and corners aging, good copy. $350
"Prepared and published under the auspices of the Philippine Exposition Board." Full-face and profile views for each subject with anthropometric data on facing page. The fact that so much representation of the islands could be found in a single prison speaks to the mobility of the population, assuming they were arrested on Luzon. Bilibid Prison (eventually referred to as Old Bilibid Prison) was situated in Manila. Issued in wrappers or in printed boards. This binding may have been for presentation.
PH4. Souvenir / Igorot Village. Philippine Photograph Co. World's Fair. St. Louis, 1904. St. Louis, Philippine Photograph Co., 1904. Self-wrappers. Oblong 8vo, 20 pp. Fine copy, minimal traces of handling. $200

Text and photographs documenting a human display in the Philippine Reservation [sic] within the fair grounds. Members of three tribal groups were included: Bontocs, Suyocs, and Tinguianese. In consequence of the American seizure of the Philippines, groups of Igorot, who came from northern Luzon, were brought over and exhibited in various world's fairs, beginning with the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the formal name of the St. Louis World's Fair, in 1904. The introduction to the brochure is condescending, to say the least. "Antonio [the head] does not speak English, but he knows well the value of the American dollar. He is the custodian of about $800.00 tribal fund" amassed from coins thrown into a receptacle by spectators. (For more on human displays, see Eric Breitbart's splendid study A World on Display, Photographs from the St. Louis World's Fair, 1904, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1997.)
PH5. Seidenadel, Carl Wilhelm. The First Grammar of the Language Spoken by the Bontoc Igorot with a Vocabulary and Texts. Mythology, folk-lore, historical episodes, songs. Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company, 1905. SOLD
First (only) edition. Orig. red cloth, gilt titles on spine and front cover. Very thick 4to, xxiv + 503 pp. Very good to near fine copy with minimal external wear to binding, contents fine, no markings or names. Frontispiece and photographic plates gathered together at front of book. In addition, there is an unusual and thoughtful tribute to his principal informant in the form of an original photograph on p. 481. A quite different approach from the condescending tone of the World's Fair brochure. Seidenadel's research was conducted among Bontoc Igorot who found themselves in Chicago as "human displays." Seidenadel was a native of St. Louis and a sometime faculty member of the University of Chicago.
PH6. Starr, Frederick. A Little Book of Filipino Riddles. Collected and edited by Frederick Starr. Yonkers, World Book Co., 1909. Cloth, slim 12mo. Gilt title on front board. Philippine Studies, I. Printed at the Torch Press of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, known for its fine printing. Good copy. Elusive and rare. $150
Frederick Starr (1858-1933) was the Zelig of American anthropology, seemingly turning up everywhere. He did field work in Mexico, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Central Africa.
PH7. Miller, Hugo H. Philippine Hats. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. Bulletin No. 33-1910. Bureau of Education. Introduction by Frank B. White, Director of Education. Stapled binding, lacking wrappers. 61 + [3] pp., 22 plates well printed on heavy photographic paper, map of distribution of the buri palm. Good condition, short tear in top of front page. The author worked at the Philippine School of Commerce. The first study of this industry. $100
PH8. Lyons, Norbert. Lays of Sergeant Con. Manila, P.I., The Times Press, 1914. Pictorial cloth. A very good copy. Blank verses from the point of view of a fictional soldier. A large general section touching on Philippine life and characters is followed by sections on Foreign Service, Mexico, War Cries, and Local Color. Lyons, a journalist, was a serious commentator on Philippine affairs. $150
PH9. Juanmarti, Juan. A grammar of the Maguindanao tongue according to the manner of speaking it in the interior and on the south coast of the island of Mindanao. Translated from the Spanish of Rev. Father J. Juanmarti, Order of Jesuits, by C. C. Smith, Captain, Fourteenth U. S. Cavalry. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. Small 8vo, blue cloth, gilt title on front board. Very good, back board with several brown splotches, text block with stain in lower right getting larger toward the back to an extent of about a third of the page. SOLD
A fascinating copy. Ownership inscription of Corporal Henry Kaemerer, Company J, 2nd U. S. Infantry, Zamboanga, Mind[anao], P. I. on front pastedown. Corporal Kaemerer filled in pencil from the rear pastedown endpaper to the rear free endpaper his itinerary in the Philippines, starting in Zamboanga, on through places in Samar, Leyte, Jolo, Cebu, Basilan, and Luzon. In March, 1908, he was in Nagasaki, then Honolulu and San Francisco, and finally in April proceeded to Fort Assiniboine, Montana. Laid in are the company roster at the fort for Christmas Day, 1908, and the Christmas menu for the company. Kaemerer was discharged January 12, 1909, and returned home (presumably) to St. Louis two days later, the last entry in his itinerary.

PH10. Villa, José Garcia. Footnote to Youth. Tales of the Philippines and others. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. First edition. Introduction by Edward O'Brien. Very good copy in very good dust jacket. A collection of short stories. In his career Villa straddled two cultures, Filipino and American avant-garde aestheticism. A fundamental book in the development of modern Philippine literature. $850
PH11. (Curio Trade) R. Weidemann's Reptile Leather & Novelty Store. Originator of the reptile leather industry in the Philippines. Manila, n.d. (early 1930s). Gatefold brochure, 6 pp. Fine. $35
One page is given over to a statement by the proprietor, R. Weidemann, extolling the reptile-derived products of the Philippines, and another to a map of downtown Manila. Besides goods made from reptile leather, the shop, located at 28 Dewey Boulevard, had a curios department that sold wood carvings of "Camagong" (kamagong), various indigenous weapons, "fancy shell goods", Moro rings and strings in silver and gold, and Baliwag Buntal hats.
PH12. Verbeck, William J. (Col.). A Regiment in Action. n. pl. (West Point, NY?), n. publ., n. d. (ca. 1947). Taped wrappers, as issued. Very good condition. $150
History of the 21st Infantry Regiment's Pacific campaigns in New Guinea and the Philippines; the latter occupies all but a few initial pages of the book. Several pages are devoted to guerrilla reports from the Philippine Army. With splendid detailed maps depicting the 21st Regiment's progress though the Philippines. The 21st Regiment had participated decades before in the suppression of the Philippine Insurrection, as a result of which their coat of arms included a Filipino symbol, the Katipunan Sun. Until shortly before the US entered World War II, it was part of the Hawaiian Division, stationed at Fort Schofield on Oahu. Besides documentary illustrations there are a few pages of rather crude drawings by a soldier artist, a couple of which depict interaction with the Filipino population, e.g., a woman offering laundry services. Foreword by the author, who was Commanding Officer of the regiment, signed with his then current assignment as "Commanding Officer of Troops, U.S.M.A., West Point, N.Y.
PH13. Obregón, Gonzalo (Ed.). El Galeón de Manila. Artes de México, No. 143, 1971. Wrappers. Large 4to. Contents in Spanish and English, with French summaries at rear. Very good copy. Profusely illustrated with some pages in color. $100
A collection of articles, mostly bilingual, including The Manila Galleon by Marco A. Almazán, Un excepcional grabado filipino by José Miguel Quintana (Spanish only), Artistic aspects of the Philippine trade by Gonzalo Obregón, etc. As brought out in the various contents, the trade route plied by the Manila galleons over centuries shaped the cultures and populations of both the Philippines and Mexico, with products and people moving in both directions.
PH14. (Dance) Alejandro, Renaldo G. Sayaw Salangan. The Dance in the Philippines. Entire contents of Dance Perspectives, 51, Autumn, 1972. Wrappers. small 4to, 56 pp. Well illustrated, map, bibliography. Lettering on cover in traditional babayin script. Very good copy. $25
Haw1. Anderson, Rufus (introduction). Memorial Volume of the First Fifty Years of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, Published by the Board, 1861. Fourth edition (sic, per title page). Original cloth, blind rules and seal of the Board in relief on front and back boards. Very good. $150
Ownership inscription of Dec. (Deacon) Jasper Morgan on the front blank, with a later gift inscription on the same page from his great-niece to Alfred Carleton. Carleton's bookplate on the front pastedown. Old newspaper clipping on the 86th meeting of the Board stapled to the first page of the table of contents. Review of missionary activities in North America among Native Americans and abroad. A list of the missionaries sent forth by the Board is given in an Appendix. In East Asia missionaries were sent, besides China, to Singapore, Siam, the Indian Archipelago, and Borneo. Of particular interest is the composition of the mission to the Sandwich Islands, which was one of the largest and included medical missionaries. Only married couples served as missionaries, and the full names of husband and wife are recorded in the lists. Elsewhere in the book activities in the islands are discussed. Descendants of missionaries took part in the coup that deposed the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893.
Haw2. Goodhue, Edward Solon. A collection of books by and related to Dr. Edward Solon Goodhue (1863-1935). Dr. Goodhue began working in Hawaii in 1895, first as a government physician under the monarchy, and resided there until his death. The collection has a family provenance. $1250
Goodhue, E. S. Beneath Hawaiian Palms and Stars. Illustrated from photographs, and pen sketches by Robert J. Burdette, Jr. and C. B. Andrews. Cincinnati, The Editor Publishing Co., 1900. Cloth, decorated front cover. Inscribed by Goodhue on the front flyleaf, "Yours for Hawaii-Nei E. S. Goodhue 1904." A substantial book with a review of the annexation of the islands. Uncommon.
Goodhue, E. S. Songs of the Western Sea. San Francisco, Blair-Murdock Company, 1911. Linen back and charcoal-gray boards, dust wrapper. Photographic frontispiece of a little girl, probably the author's daughter. Fine copy. Dust wrapper stained on front panel. Glossary of Hawaiian words. Laid in is a four-page leaflet which is an order form for the book and reproduces comments about Goodhue's writing, with a pencil notation "Return at your convenience." Label of Alec: K. Joseph, Goodhue's son-in-law, on front inside panel of dust jacket. Six copies in WorldCat, of which four are in California, the others being at Brown and University of Hawaii.
Goodhue, E. S., A Cycle of Cathay. A poem for Hawaii Day, Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Holuloa, North Kona, Hawaii, n.publ. (The author), 1915. "Written, but not submitted for Hawaii Day." Wrappers. Corners bumped, very good. One copy only in WorldCat (Brown University).
Goodhue, E. S., The Spender Spent. n.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Honolulu?, The author, ca. 1919). Cloth and boards. Inscribed photograph of Theodore Roosevelt reproduced as frontispiece. A memorial poem for Roosevelt. Very good condition, label of Goodhue's son-in-law Alec. K. Joseph on front pastedown. Six copies located in WorldCat (USC, Cornell, NYPL, SUNY Buffalo, Brown, and UVA).
Goodhue, E. S. On the Reserve and Other Poems. The Stockade, Ualapue, Pukoo, Molokai, Hawaii, You Bet Publishing Company, 1920. Wrappers. Corners bit bent, very good. One copy only in WorldCat (NYPL).
Goodhue, E. S., The Victim. Honolulu, Star Bulletin Press, 1920. 12mo. Wrappers, pictorial cover. About fine. Poem first printed in The Medical Pickwick, about a vamp who entraps a suitor. One copy only in WorldCat (NYPL).
(Goodhue bookplate) Proctor, Edna Dean, The Glory of Toil and Other Poems. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, The Riverside Press, 1916. Plain boards, with dust wrapper over serving as covering (no spine to book, as issued). Inscribed by the author: "E. S. Goodhue and Family, with best wishes and affectionate remembrance from their Cousin, Edna Dean Proctor/ Atlantic City, April 19, 1923." Bookplate of E. S. Goodhue on front pastedown.
(Joseph, Dorothy Goodhue) D. G. J. Aloha Oe. Switzerland, 1966 (i.e., Davos, Alec: K. Joseph, 1966). Wrappers. Memorial pamphlet for Goodhue's daughter Dorothy Goodhue Joseph, printed for private circulation by her husband. Contents consist of an introduction by Joseph, a brief genealogy of the Goodhue family, a reproduction of a portrait of Dorothy Goodhue Joseph, and occasional writings of hers (stories, letters, poetry, and reminiscences of her father and her early years in Hawaii). Not found in WorldCat.
Haw3. (Hawaiian imagery) The Bookplate Quarterly. Vol. 1, no. 4, [issue for] October, 1918. New York, The American Bookplate Society, 1918. Wrappers. Small 8vo, 32 pp., of which the first 16 pages are devoted to Hawaiian bookplates. Front wrapper nearly detached, good copy. $125
Color woodblock bookplate on front inside cover, protected by a loose piece of tissue, with initials BCN. and two Chinese characters: 文庫 (i.e., Library). This is presumably the bookplate of the first owner. Laid in is a typed note referring to the artist H. Nelson Poole and a bookplate exhibition that the writer of the note prepared for the Pacific House exhibit of Bookplates of the Pacific for the 1939 Golden Gate Exhibition. There is a signed gift inscription in pencil, probably by the same person, on the half-title, dated 1958. The lead article, Hawaiian Bookplates, is by Helen J. Stearns, who was the librarian of the government library of Hawaii. It is adorned with three actual bookplates, one of which is hers. A second article, Horatio Nelson Poole and his Bookplates, offers another actual bookplate, that of Poole's brother and sister-in-law. Horatio Nelson Poole lived in Hawaii from 1914 to 1921. The last main article is on Allen Lewis' bookplates, by Wilbur Macey Stone.
Haw4. (Hawaiian Material Culture) Peabody Museum, Salem. The Hawaiian Portion of the Polynesian Collections in the Peabody Museum of Salem. Special exhibition August-November, 1920. Salem, Peabody Museum, 1920. Wrappers. 56 pp., 13 pls., of which several are in color. $150
A splendid catalog. The collecting activities of the Peabody Museum began with the founding of the East India Marine Society in 1799. An introduction explains that, while there was no direct trade between Salem and the Hawaiian Islands, they attracted the interest of New England ship captains and merchants in other ways. There was indirect trade from the Northwest Coast, whalers visited the islands, and two Salem brigs were sold to the Hawaiian Kingdom for use between the islands.
Haw5. (Waikiki) Aerial photograph by 11th Section Army Air Corps, Honolulu. Silver print, 11" X 8". n.d., 1930s. Panorama format. View of a largely undeveloped Waikiki dominated by the luxurious Royal Hawaiian Hotel (opened in 1927). The hotel's name is particularly ironic, as the Hawaiian Kingdom was abolished in 1898. Waikiki was once a place favored by Hawaiian royalty. $65
Macadamia nuts in bamboo tubes
Haw6. (Curio Trade) Marlou. Honolulu, Hawaii. Unusual woven mats of lauhala and bamboo [etc.].Honolulu, n.d. (1930s). Located in the Dillingham Building, Honolulu, with a branch office opposite the entrance to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Lovely design. 2" X 2". Fine condition. $25
When the going was good
Haw7. Matson Navigation Company, San Francisco. Three ephemeral items. Identical South Seas cover imagery with route map between California and Australia. All collected on voyage 29 of the SS Mariposa, a luxury passenger ship of the Matson Lines White Fleet launched in 1931. Matson provided service between the mainland and Hawaii and points onward. As travel to Hawaii became fashionable in the prosperous 1920s, they diversified into the hotel business, building the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. During World War II the Mariposa was in constant motion, transporting military personnel and equipment to the theaters of war. Very good condition. $75

1) Outward bound, passenger list, sailing from Los Angeles July 22, 1936 for Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland, Sydney, and Melbourne. Covers and inside sheet of 4 pp., all printed. 2) Dinner tended to South Seas Cruise passengers. At sea Melbourne-Sydney (i.e.,the return voyage), Sunday, August 16, 1936. Menu and list of passengers. Sheet folded to 4 pp. within covers, printed on inside pages. Dinner featured Murray River cod and pheasant. 3) Souvenir passenger list, Sailing from Pago Pago, Wednesday, August 26, for Honolulu, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Haw8. Warinner, Emily. Hawaii's Gift to the World. A short short story. Words by Emily Warinner Drawings by John Kjargaard. n. pl., n. publ., n.d. [Honolulu?, The author, 1950]. Signed on the title page by the author as Emily V. Warinner. $75 SOLD
First (only) edition. Small 8vo, 32 pp. (unpaginated), including two blanks in front and back. Cloth and boards with tapa-like design, cover label. About fine copy, upper tip of front board little worn. Sparse text of a few words, accompanied by nice, small black- and-white drawings of Hawaiian scenes and landmarks, reminiscent of nineteenth-century chapbook woodblock illustrations, by Danish-born Hawaiian artist John Kjaargard. Census records indicate that the author, born in New Jersey, was living in Hawaii by 1940. She is known for her book on John Manjiro, the Japanese seaman who accompanied Perry. A source on the artist gives a date of 1950 for this work. WorldCat shows only two copies, both in Hawaii at branches of the University of Hawaii.
Haw9. Spaulding, Thomas Marshall. The First Printing in Hawaii. In: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 1956, vol. 50, 4th quarter, pp. 313-327. Wrappers. Near fine. $25
Complete issue. Spaulding's article is the lead article. The author was a University of Michigan and West Point graduate and career US Army officer, retiring with the rank of Colonel. In the 1920s he held the post of Assistant Adjutant of the Hawaiian Department. Spalding became interested in post-contact Hawaiian history and wrote several key works on the subject.
Haw10. (Hawaiian Folklore) Viltis. "Hope," A Folklore Magazine. Vol. 18, Summer. Denver, V. F. Beliajus, 1959. Wrappers. 4to, 28 pp. including covers. Illustrated. "A magazine devoted to folklore, folk dance, and Lithuanistica," This issue is devoted to Hawaii. $20
Articles include: Hawaii The 50th Star, Origin of the Hawaiians by Kenneth P. Emory of the Bishop Museum, The Hawaiian Language by B. W. Campbell, Folk Music in Hawaii by Barbara B. Smith of the University of Hawaii, Anapau (Comic Hula from Hawaii), Heeia (Ancient Hawaiian Canoe Chant-Dance), Hawaiian Food, etc. The articles make up somewhat more than half the issue, the rest being composed of news reports about folk festivals and other such topics. Scarce magazine. The editor, V. F. Beliajus, spent his early years in the countryside of Lithuania, where folk traditions were a part of life. In the United States he was wholly involved in the folk music and folk dance movement.
FJ1. Seemann, B. C. Fiji and its Inhabitants. In: Francis Galton (Ed.), Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1861. London, Macmillan, 1862, pp. 249-292, map facing p. 249. Original cloth. Very good copy. $100
Galton's Vacation Tourists, which had a brief run of three years, was compiled from published books and articles. The above was adapted from the book Viti, by Berthold Carl Seemann (1825-1871), also published in 1862. Seemann was a widely traveled German botanist who served as a naturalist on several British expeditions. In 1860 he joined a British government commission to Fiji, where he did fundamental work on cataloging its flora. By the time he arrived in Fiji, foreign influence, both commercial and religious, was mitigating the island's reputation as the abode of cannibals. Seemann, remarkably open-minded for his time, reported to the Royal Geographic Society that the indigenous religion of the Fijians was worthy of study.
FJ2. (World War II Fiji currency) Government of Fiji. One shilling note. Dated 1st January, 1942, a very early date for these notes. Good condition. $60
With an informative handwritten note on the back: "So many Americans and New Zealanders kept coinage as souvenirs, this paper money is the result!" Plans for invading Fiji as a stepping stone to Australia were abandoned by an overextended Japan. Meanwhile, Fiji became a base for American and New Zealand forces.
Supplement on Oceania and the Arts of the South Seas exhibition
Oc1. East India Marine Society, Salem, Massachusetts. Finely printed form, filled in by hand and dated 1834, thanking an unidentified donor for several items, among them a wooden idol from Easter Island, which now would be considered an object of utmost rarity. The same donor gave to the Society a ball used by New Zealand natives, shoes worn by Colombian Indians, and samples of silver ore from Pasco (Cerro de Pasco, Peru). As remarked above, the Society from its inception intended to build a museum collection of natural and artificial curiosities through the contributions of seafarers. An attractive document in very good condition, fold marks as for original mailing, $375
Oc2. Knox, Thomas. The Boy Travellers in Australasia. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to the Sandwich, Marquesas, Society, Samoan, and Feejee Islands, and through the colonies of New Zealand, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1889. First edition. 4to, pictorial cloth. Good copy, front hinge partly cracking at top, lower outside corner of text block bumped. Map endpapers. Chromolithographic frontispiece and numerous illustrations. Binding emphasizes the Pacific Islands, front board with a lively image of an outrigger canoe and weapons, back board with a Fijian cannibal fork. Easter Island is included, with illustrations of a moai and a rongorongo board. $75
Oc3. Grimshaw, Beatrice. When the Red Gods Call. New York, Moffatt, Yard, & Company, 1911. First American edition. Pictorial cloth. A very good, unworn copy. Possibly the first novel set in New Guinea. $50
The action of the novel, told in the first person, takes place in Port Moresby and the interior of Papua. One of the main characters is a knowledgeable, coarse-talking veteran trader, and some dialogue is in pidgin. Irish-born, Grimshaw first went to the South Seas in 1903 as a journalist and publicist for shipping companies. She settled in Papua in 1907 and lived there until 1936. At times she was an estate manage and in the last phrase of her life there she established a tobacco plantation with one of her brothers.
Oc4. (Arts of the South Seas) Portfolio of South Seas art. In: Magazine of Art, vol. 39, no. 4, April, 1946, pp. 143-146.
Wrappers. Folio. Complete issue of this periodical, published by the American Federation of Arts. Very good condition. Photographs of objects included in the 1946 Museum of Modern Art exhibition "Arts of the South Seas." Photographs are notable for their monumental size, much larger than the 8vo format of the exhibition catalog. With brief, comments on the exhibition by Alexander Calder, Reginald Marsh, Jose de Creeft, Max Ernst, and Isabel Bishop. Also in the issue are articles on Paul Klee, Robert Gwathmey, etc. $45
It can hardly be a coincidence, although not explicitly stated, that the landmark MOMA exhibition on Arts of the South Seas was inspired by the successful conclusion of the Pacific phase of World War II. The victorious United States with its allies was left in control of the Pacific, and colonial power was also restored, if only for a brief time. At home exotic names from the battlefields like Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Bougainville, New Ireland, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and the Marianas had become part of everyday consciousness. A few years later Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical South Pacific, based on stories by James Michener, a veteran of the campaign, put a romantic luster on the grim reality of the Pacific War as memories began inevitably to fade,
Oc5. Linton, Ralph and Paul S. Wingert, in collaboration with Rene d'Harnoncourt. Arts of the South Seas., New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1946. Wrappers. 8vo. Color illustrations by Miguel Covarrubias. Catalog of the exhibition. Excellent in original mailing carton with MOMA label, practically as new. $65
Oc6. Wingert, Paul S. An Outline Guide to the Art of the South Pacific. New York, Columbia University Press, 1946. First edition. Tall and narrow 8vo. Cloth and decorative paper boards with design based on Pacific art. Twenty pages of plates, two maps. Spine lettering rubbed, tips of boards very slightly worn, overall very good. Small helpful emendations of text at three places in ink. $35
A Japanese artist's impressions of Korea
KP/KR6. Sato Kagaku (佐藤華岳). 朝鮮所見. Chousen Shoken. [Views of Chousen (Korea).] Album of watercolors. Signed with his art name Kagakusai. Provenance: Once the property of George Ikari, Ikari Antiques, New York City. $8500

Album, double-sided orihon (leporello) format. Individual paper sheets measure ca. 13" X 9.5" (aiban, 間判). Undated, Taisho or early Showa era. Collation: Parchment covers at each end, front cover with title label, first page with poetic inscription, six double-page captioned watercolors in each direction, dedication. All original art work and manuscript. Sato Kagaku (1884-1949) was a native of Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. At the age of 19 he moved to Tokyo, where he began an active artistic career that included imperial commissions. He followed the Nanshu or Southern style of painting and was a member of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Artists Group (Nikka Shinzen Bijutsukan, 日華親善美術家団). He left his mark in his native prefecture when he described the experience of getting drunk on a locally brewed sake as like entering a fairyland; today this sake is known as Suisen (drunken fairyland).******
*The author of this list wrote a paper on Roy Chapman Andrews and the Central Asiatic Expeditions, published in Japanese only (Martin Janal, 2013, Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960). In: Amazing Dinosaurs of the Gobi Desert. Tokyo, National Museum of Nature and Science, pp. 22-25). Should anyone be interested in reading the full version in English, kindly inquire. Please note copyright of both versions is asserted.
**See Kim, D. C., 2005: The capital accumulation and the social activities of Kashii Gentaro, an influential capitalist in Busan. Journal of Korean History, no. 186, pp. 59-86. Kashii was known as the "king (or devil) of the Korean fisheries industry."
***https://www.longvophuoc.com/1973-1976-rho. Vietnamese original translated with Google Translate and modified for sense.
****See the paper by textile historian Abby Lillethun, Javanesque Effects: Appropriation of batik and its transformation in modern textiles, presented at the Textile Society of America, 9th Biennial Symposium (2004).
*****A portrait of Ada Forman in her Javanese dance costume by Frank B. A. Linton is in the Delaware Art Museum, and a marionette of her in the same costume is in the Detroit Museum of Art, which holds the Paul McPharlin Puppetry Collection. This puppet is likely one used by her in her dance routine. Further, the Getty Museum has a photograph of her. in Javanese costume by Arthur F. Kales. This information was gleaned from Internet sources, q.v. The cubist silhouette created by the Javanesque bodice was in tune with the bohemian Zeitgeist; Clara Tice displays the look in a 1916 photograph of her with her dog that appears on her Wikipedia page.
******Suisen sake was before its renaming simply known as Kesen sake, Kesen being the area where the sake was brewed. The Suisen Shuzo brewery was located in Rikuzentakata and was destroyed in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. It has since been reestablished in another location in Iwate Prefecture. For biographical details on Sato Kagaku see http://adsougou-media.com/gallery/writer/佐藤華岳. Sato Kagaku was recently profiled in the February 12, 2023 number of the newspaper Tokai Shimpo, published in Ofunato, as part of a series on Kesen history (Kesen no monogatari, 3). Both references are in Japanese only. A pdf of the latter article is available.